Thursday, October 18, 2007

Erik Gets His Mission Call

On October 17, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. Erik opened his envelope with his mission call in it. Family members present were Amber, Leo, Michael, Haili, Brandon, Mason and of course me. Friends included Kyle, Matt, and Brock. On speaker phone was Ryan and Rachel. Excitement could be felt in the entire room. Everyone was allowed to predict where they thought Erik was going to go. Kyle chose Russia, Matt chose Japan, Brock chose Tahiti, Ryan chose Nothern Europe, Rachel chose Switzerland, Amber chose Centeral side of South America, Leo chose North part of South America, Haili chose Russia, Michael chose Africa, Brandon chose USA and I chose Holland. I was hoping so much that Erik could go to Holland because my father wanted so much to have one of his grand children to serve their mission there. Looks like we will have to hope for a great grand child to fulfill that wish for him.

Ok, back to the mission papers, can I tell you what a privilege it is to have them signed by our beloved Prophet and President Gordon B. Hinkley! As Erik was reading the letter out loud to all of us I could see his eyes drop lower to see where he was going and he seemed to be taken back a little. On pins and needles Erik read his destination......Russia Rostov-na-Donu Mission! Who would have ever thought?

Erik will arrive at the MTC on January 16, 2007

The world has changed so much as missions are almost everywhere in the world now. If you would have asked me when I was a teenager if I ever thought I would have a son serving in a mission in Russia the answer would have been "NO WAY". In the earlier part of my life Russia was the USA enemy and I was very fearful that they were trying to destroy our country. We use to think they were our worst enemy. Now son is going there to preach the gospel to them.