Thursday, October 18, 2007

Erik Gets His Mission Call

On October 17, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. Erik opened his envelope with his mission call in it. Family members present were Amber, Leo, Michael, Haili, Brandon, Mason and of course me. Friends included Kyle, Matt, and Brock. On speaker phone was Ryan and Rachel. Excitement could be felt in the entire room. Everyone was allowed to predict where they thought Erik was going to go. Kyle chose Russia, Matt chose Japan, Brock chose Tahiti, Ryan chose Nothern Europe, Rachel chose Switzerland, Amber chose Centeral side of South America, Leo chose North part of South America, Haili chose Russia, Michael chose Africa, Brandon chose USA and I chose Holland. I was hoping so much that Erik could go to Holland because my father wanted so much to have one of his grand children to serve their mission there. Looks like we will have to hope for a great grand child to fulfill that wish for him.

Ok, back to the mission papers, can I tell you what a privilege it is to have them signed by our beloved Prophet and President Gordon B. Hinkley! As Erik was reading the letter out loud to all of us I could see his eyes drop lower to see where he was going and he seemed to be taken back a little. On pins and needles Erik read his destination......Russia Rostov-na-Donu Mission! Who would have ever thought?

Erik will arrive at the MTC on January 16, 2007

The world has changed so much as missions are almost everywhere in the world now. If you would have asked me when I was a teenager if I ever thought I would have a son serving in a mission in Russia the answer would have been "NO WAY". In the earlier part of my life Russia was the USA enemy and I was very fearful that they were trying to destroy our country. We use to think they were our worst enemy. Now son is going there to preach the gospel to them.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Reagan is a Winner

Handsome Reagan takes Winner's Dog at the Lacey, Washington show in August 2007. Reagan now has 6 points towards his championship. Only 7 more to go......

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Homestead 2007

The Whole Family

This is my favorite time of the year as the leaves change colors, the nights are cool enough to turn the air conditioner off and of course The Van Wyngaarden tradition....HOMESTEAD!! This year was another fun year as all the family members pile into a two bedroom condo. The number in the family isn't as bad as the ages of the children. Of course the oldest twins, age 14, are never a problem. Michael and Haili have their times but are basically doing their own thing. Beezer...well, what do you say about Beezer except he is Beezer. Now here is where we get to the fun part. Three babies all in their terrible two's and all in diapers. Hummmmm do we dare say this was a relaxing event without not telling the complete truth??? On Tuesday Amber was telling us how she would like to look into staying an extra day this year and leave on Monday rather than on Sunday. That talk ended quickly after not getting much sleep the first night. The second night wasn't much better as all three babies woke up several times during those nights and cried. Actually it really wasn't that bad!! I had to reassure Amber and Rachel that the babies would grow up and it will get better. I could say this because after all, I experienced the same thing when Ryan and Amber were babies.

Nobody's grandkids are as cute as mine!!

The golf tournament wasn't to much of a surprise....Remember John has taken golf lessons for who really knows how many years, Ryan has played many, many times and if he can't win by skill alone he always seems to put a lot of pressure on those who are close in his range by intimidating them and trying to fluster them to make them loose. Leo, well, let's just say he can get the award for most improved after all he took lessons this year. When you look at these three contendors you would automatically assume that one of them would win. But you would be wrong and we all know what assume often turns out to be...making and ass(u)me, I'm sure we get the picture here. When Erik started competing with the "men" in the family as a young boy age 13 he surprised the "old" guys with his win in the first annual Homestead Classic in 2002. Then he did it again in 2003. Ryan took it in 2004 but Erik came back with a strong win in 2005. John took it in 2006 and lo and behold Erik finishes strong in 2007 as his last year before his mission. Needless to say, the Homestead Classic is a big deal and the victory is always very sweet as the loosers vow to win it the next year by again taking golf classes and practicing every time they have a chance.

My favorite part of this fun Labor Day weekend use to be going into Midway for Swiss Days. In my old age I have come to the conclusion that my favorite part of this fun event is spending time with the family and taking pictures of the family on the Sunday just before leaving. It is so much fun to see how much the kids have changed in just one year.

My Three Kids

The Rays

The Gonzalez Family

Me and my Grandkids

It's hard to believe that this Van Wyngaarden/Homestead tradition has been going on for over thirty years now. I can remember back when the rooms cost a mere $25 per night. Now you can get a room for around $200 a night, the two bedroom condo that use to cost around $200 now costs us over $400 a night. If my dad would have only thought to buy a little house, condo, or cabin way back then....I wouldn't have to find an excuse each year to have the management reduce the cost for us (this is a private joke that the family is well aware I can't wait for next year!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Chicago with my Grandkids

I just got back from a great trip......I was lucky enough to go and spend some time with my cute little twinnies Holland and Ethan in Chicago. The fun thing about this trip was that Amber, Haili, Brandon, and Mason flew out to Chicago with me so I was able to spend time with most of my granchildren. Stephanie, Elizabeth and Michael were at a family reunion so they weren't able to be with us...darn!! Spending time with family is what it is all about isn't it???? I love every minute of being a Grandma. the way...I think I have Nemo memorized word for word because the twinnies love watching it and we watched it everyday, sometimes twice a day.





Reagan Takes Winners Dog and Best of Winners

My beautiful boy Reagan takes Winners Dog and Best of Winners for another two points. Four down and only nine to go....way to go Reagan!!

For those who don't know....Winners Dog means that he won over all the male dogs, Best of Winners means that he won over all the male and female dogs. Whoo Hoo

Monday, July 9, 2007

Reagan Is Winner's Dog

I am so excited to announce that I finally have a show dog that has "points" on him. My beautiful tri boy Apple Acres Chain Of Command "Reagan" was the winners dog at the Puyallup Valley Dog Show in June 2007 for his first two points. Way to go Reagan and thanks to co-owner Llocklyn Guzman for making him look so beautiful. Only 13 more points to go to be a champion.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Erik's Graduation

Erik Graduates From Jordan High
June 2007

Anyone who knows Erik, knows that this is one driven young man. It was never good enough for him to be average in sports, school, or life. Always reaching for the stars is what Erik expected out of himself. It was no surprise to find that Erik was the #1 male student in his class, maintaining a 4.0 GPA since the 9th grade. Erik was on the Honor Roll from the 7th grade until he graduated from high school. He played basketball, football, golf and tennis for Jordan High School, lettering in basketball as a sophomore and then golf and tennis as a junior. Not only is he gifted in academics and talented in sports he also won awards like Student of the Month and taking a regional third place in marketing with DECCA which he went on to compete nationally in Florida. With all that being said of him, I'm sure the one thing most people would say about Erik is that he is an all-around great kid! CONGRATULATIONS ERIK on a spectacular end to your high school years!!!

CONGRATULATIONS ERIK, we are all so proud of you and your accomplishments!!!! Keep up the good job and we look forward to your future and all the many more accomplishments that are in store for you. We love you!!!!

Must Love Dogs

I've heard it all before...."she's gone to the dogs" .... I guess that statement is very true because I love my dogs and they have become a big part of my life. I've always had a dog by my side growing up so when I went out into the world on my own it was only natural that I had a dog with me there too. I have found a breed of dog that I truly is a Shetland Sheepdog aka Sheltie, minuature collie, or little Lassie. While in the fifth grade a friend of mine had her mom come to show off her dogs to our class. I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw these beautiful dogs run, jump, weave in and out of poles, climb an A-Frame and do other amazing tricks. I knew then and there this is the kind of dog for my own. By some unforseen events a Sheltie puppy came into our home which my son, Erik, named Kenzie after a girl he liked in elementary school. I had no idea how my world was going to changed because if this dog. I started going to the Sheltie dog club and decided I wanted to try my hand at showing dogs...easier said than done. I bought my first "real" dog (by that I mean a well bred dog) named Tazz. He is a beautiful black, white, and tan dog (not your typical Lassie look) that stole my heart from the first time I laid eyes on him. Unfortunately he grew oversize (show dogs can only be up to 16" tall and tall grew to 18" tall) so I decided we would do a new dog sport called Rally which is a class in obedience and we quickly achieved our first title shortly after. Well, if you want to see how I progressed in the dog world you can visit my website at

Monday, June 25, 2007

Me and My Grandkids

I know that every grandparent says that they have the cutest, smartest, and best behaved granchildren and I think THEY are exaggerating because I know I have the cutest, smartest, and best behaved grandchildren!! Let me introduce them to you....Haili was my first grandchild. She was born during a very interesting time of my life as I was just diagnosed with breast cancer and I wasn't sure I would be around to spoil the grandchildren that I wanted to have in my life so much. Haili, nicknamed Haili Boo because she was born near Halloween, and I became instant best friends. Some of our favorite things to do were to go to the Deseret Industries to find "treasures", sleep overs where I could tell her a story before going to sleep, going to eat at McDonalds and just hanging out. When Haili was around two years old her mother, Amber, married a very nice man to be Haili's new father...his name is Leo Gonzalez and he blessed our family with three more grandchildren. Stephanie and Elizabeth who are identical twins (Elizabeth has a freckle near her left eye and that is how I tell them apart) and Michael. These three children are totally mine too. Leo and Amber have had two children together Brandon (nicknamed Beezer) and Mason. The Gonzalez family is quite a family and I love each one of them. Wait, we aren't finished yet...I have a son named Ryan that married Rachel and together they blessed our family with twins named Holland and Ethan. Holland decided she wanted to come to earth a little early so she took her little brother by the hand and decided 6 weeks early that they were going to join the family. Surprisingly Holland was very ready for her new life but Ethan struggled some in the beginning but you would never know that now! Did I tell you how much I love my grandkids?? I do!!!